Saturday, April 05, 2014

The Day Dave Went Punk

One day Dave just went bat shit crazy. He skipped school with his friend Pete Paraquat; ending up at Pete's house. One thing led to another and Dave found himself getting a mohawk. After several marijuanas Pete was able to talk Dave into coloring his new mohawk red. To celebrate they took some more marihuanas and ripped the sleeves off of their flannel shirts.

It was getting late and Dave had to go home. Pete offered to give Dave a ride home on his Huffy bike; which Dave accepted. They rode up the sidewalk in front of Dave's house as Dave's dad pulled into the driveway. Mr. Cruz took one look at his son and became furious. “Get in the house now young man!”

“Okay Pops,” Dave snarled.

Dave walked into the house, passed his mother in the doorway and she started crying. “Oh, my worst nightmare ever! What has happened to my son? David, who did this to you?”

“Did what?”

Who made”

© Charles Scott 2014

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