Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Santa Plays Favorites While Capitalists Monetize False Gods, and Children Shrink Back in Horror

It's December, 25th, 2020,
Christmas, a shit year,
and the general consensus
is that
nobody enjoys it.
I know I don't...

Growing up, you know,
that moment
I believed in it,
I knew Santa 
played favorites.
It was obvious 
in comparison
to my friends.

For me
Christmas exposed 
the fraud
that continues
to this day,
of peace on Earth,
good will to man... Happy Holidays!

Hark, the herald angels 
glory to the
gifted bling

More people
this time of year...than any other.
from all
this peace,
and love.

Christmas has
historically been
a co-opted holiday.
Right now it's
the capitalist's turn,
at peace, 
and love. 
So far
fucking it up too.

While we,
those forgotten by
Christmas past
try to forget 
past Christmases. 

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