Wednesday, February 08, 2006

There is some uproar from the Rollling Stones camp over censorship of a few lyrics during the Super Bowl 1/2 time show. Mick and company are lucky that I wasn't part of that decency brigade. I would have saved us all the visual beating of seeing an AARP group flail around a stage like they were in their 20's. I had to fight tossing my bean dip after seeing Micks geriatric mid rif more than once. Low ride pants are a bad choice for anyone in their 60's. Hike them up like the old un's of the past. My advice for Mick, give it up, forget about it (shouldn't be hard to do ) it's in the past, move on to better, more dignified things like being a knight. Go slay a dragon or something.. I mean, really, save us the abuse.

File this one under "Only in Arkansas".
Click the link, read the story of how a woman saved a chicken by administering mouth to beak.

There is some uproar from the Rollling Stones camp over censorship of a few lyrics during the Super Bowl 1/2 time show. Mick and company are lucky that I wasn't part of that decency brigade. I would have saved us all the visual beating of seeing an AARP group flail around a stage like they were in their 20's. I had to fight tossing my bean dip after seeing Micks geriatric mid rif more than once. Low ride pants are a bad choice for anyone in their 60's. Hike them up like the old un's of the past. My advice for Mick, give it up, forget about it (shouldn't be hard to do ) it's in the past, move on to better, more dignified things like being a knight. Go slay a dragon or something.. I mean, really, save us the abuse.

File this one under "Only in Arkansas".
Click the link, read the story of how a woman saved a chicken by administering mouth to beak.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Chuck is on a rant again

Check out this article on Costco. I aint no ciphering wiz, but his guys gonna make more in the long run while making a difference in a lot of people's lives.

I have a different world view than most. I don't see the difference between a world leader and a small child living in abject poverty. We are all on the same level. The link to this article will make one think.

I think we have it too good, and forget that we are in the minority when it comes to the rest of the world's population. Being poor in the western world is not like being poor anywhere else. I grew up poor in this country and I do not remember going without food. We had times where we ate the same thing for weeks on end, but we did not starve.

PAPA (people against poverty and apathy) fest is coming up in June. I will make a link so anyone who is interested can check on the progress of the event. I dare you to look at this site and others like it. (like the Jesus Radicals link to the right)

In a recent conversation, I was confronted with my views on our current administration. I was made to feel that I was less Christian(not intentionally) than those who support the Right. My reply to this is pretty to the point, God is not for one political ideology, God is for God.
We end up ralling around a cause, or group and end up forgetting about God. At the end of the day, we have blown a lot wind, but done nothing to make to better(me included). The whole post modern, emergent or whatever stinking name it wants to use, has made a living out of this soap box posturing. So has the religious right.

It comes down to getting into the trenches. Doing the dirty work and, look out, getting dirty.

Now that I am done posing on my soap box, I will step down, kneel and ask for forgivness for my apathy, and pray for the strenght to actually do something..


Chuck is on a rant again

Check out this article on Costco. I aint no ciphering wiz, but his guys gonna make more in the long run while making a difference in a lot of people's lives.

I have a different world view than most. I don't see the difference between a world leader and a small child living in abject poverty. We are all on the same level. The link to this article will make one think.

I think we have it too good, and forget that we are in the minority when it comes to the rest of the world's population. Being poor in the western world is not like being poor anywhere else. I grew up poor in this country and I do not remember going without food. We had times where we ate the same thing for weeks on end, but we did not starve.

PAPA (people against poverty and apathy) fest is coming up in June. I will make a link so anyone who is interested can check on the progress of the event. I dare you to look at this site and others like it. (like the Jesus Radicals link to the right)

In a recent conversation, I was confronted with my views on our current administration. I was made to feel that I was less Christian(not intentionally) than those who support the Right. My reply to this is pretty to the point, God is not for one political ideology, God is for God.
We end up ralling around a cause, or group and end up forgetting about God. At the end of the day, we have blown a lot wind, but done nothing to make to better(me included). The whole post modern, emergent or whatever stinking name it wants to use, has made a living out of this soap box posturing. So has the religious right.

It comes down to getting into the trenches. Doing the dirty work and, look out, getting dirty.

Now that I am done posing on my soap box, I will step down, kneel and ask for forgivness for my apathy, and pray for the strenght to actually do something..


Tuesday, January 31, 2006

America is addicted to oil.....Ya think?!

In other news..

Chuck Scott bought tires at Walmart. He is looking for the nearest priest so he can confess this sin.

He is also addicted to oil..

So it goes.

I saw quite a few people from IHOP at Walmart. Now, imagine this, what if we were to see more people from Walmart at IHOP? That would be standing room fo' sure......


America is addicted to oil.....Ya think?!

In other news..

Chuck Scott bought tires at Walmart. He is looking for the nearest priest so he can confess this sin.

He is also addicted to oil..

So it goes.

I saw quite a few people from IHOP at Walmart. Now, imagine this, what if we were to see more people from Walmart at IHOP? That would be standing room fo' sure......


Saturday, January 28, 2006

I wil post this and stop with my political ideology.....for now...


I wil post this and stop with my political ideology.....for now...


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

John O'Keefe, at ginkword has some pretty good comments and thoughts about the 'emerging church'. I must warn you that it has some possibly offensive language. My personal opinion is that we tend to look out side for answers, when all we need to do is look inward, toward Jesus. I challenge you to come up with your own opinion.

Randy has a pretty interesting post that mentions my favorite Christian icon, Pat Robertson. Pat has made some comments that have offended some. Not all of Pat's comments offend me. It is when he back peddles on his position that does. It reminds me that he is a politician at heart.As I usually do after Pat eats his penny loafers, I checked his web site for retractions. It looks as if Pat is going to stick to his guns for now. You go Pat...

I am going to the prayer room an hour late today. The ice on my truck is making it look like a glazed doughnut.

Have I ever mentioned how crazy the weather is here in Kansas City? Yesterday it was fridgid and snowing/ freezing rain. Today it will be 50 to 55 degrees. How do you plan for that?

I'm going to thaw my truck.

John O'Keefe, at ginkword has some pretty good comments and thoughts about the 'emerging church'. I must warn you that it has some possibly offensive language. My personal opinion is that we tend to look out side for answers, when all we need to do is look inward, toward Jesus. I challenge you to come up with your own opinion.

Randy has a pretty interesting post that mentions my favorite Christian icon, Pat Robertson. Pat has made some comments that have offended some. Not all of Pat's comments offend me. It is when he back peddles on his position that does. It reminds me that he is a politician at heart.As I usually do after Pat eats his penny loafers, I checked his web site for retractions. It looks as if Pat is going to stick to his guns for now. You go Pat...

I am going to the prayer room an hour late today. The ice on my truck is making it look like a glazed doughnut.

Have I ever mentioned how crazy the weather is here in Kansas City? Yesterday it was fridgid and snowing/ freezing rain. Today it will be 50 to 55 degrees. How do you plan for that?

I'm going to thaw my truck.
